Depending on the beta casein, milk has 2 variants namely A1 milk and A2 milk.

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What is wrong with A1 milk? Or what adverse claims about A1 milk?

Majority of cows that are being raised in different parts of the globe are A1 variety.

According to many researches it has been found that milk produced by A1 cows have opiate-like effects resulting in the development of mild to serious medical conditions.

Researches has also claimed A1 milk consumption produces adverse / harmful health effects listed below:

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Infants death in early days is identified as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Instead of breastfeeding, some mothers opt for instant milk formulations to their newborns. In a study, it is claimed that high level of BCM-7 penetrates into blood causing breathing problem and reason of death in infants.
  • Type1 Diabetes: Among children, consumption of A1 milk is the factor for development diabetes type 1 disease. This is autoimmune disease that is characterized by inability of the body to produce insulin.
  • Autism: Autism is a developmental disorder in children caused due to BCM-7 elemnet in A1 milk. A study carried out on Autism victims found enormous amount of BCM-7 in urine similar to milk they consumed. Breastfed children had no such element and hence were fully developed child.
  • Is A1 milk good during Pregnancy? Milk products have higher nutritional value that is helpful for the growth of foetus and health of a pregnant woman. But, consuming A1 milk during pregnancy is harmful and can give way to dangerous microorganisms into your body exposing you and your baby to several health risks.
  • Heart Disease: Regular intake of A1 milk causes coronary heart disease. The study also shows large accumulation of fats that clog and block the blood vessels resulting into heart disease.
  • Is A1 milk responsible for Digestive Problems? BCM-7 is an opioid peptide; protein element that does not digest in our body. This can lead to indigestion and many researches have shown that it may lead to various other problems like stomach upsets, diarrhea, flatulence, etc.

A2 Milk Benefits:

  • During Pregnancy: A2 milk contains prolin element that prevents BCM-7 to reach our body. In regular milk, prolin element is absent thereby causing health issue during pregnancy to pregnant women and also affect the child in womb. Digestion can be big problem during pregnancy and can have adverse effect on your child. In research, it has been found out that A1 or regular milk is lactose intolerant resulting in the development of unpleasant symptoms such as stomach upsets, diarrhea, flatulence like digestive problem that no one will like during pregnancy stage. Consuming A2 milk during pregnancy doesn’t affect your health and child during pregnancy.
  • Obesity Problem? Body Fats and large cholesterol deposits are root cause of Obesity. A2 milk is rich in Vitamin D and Omega 3 that removes extra body fats and cholesterol deposits.
  • A2 milk has Colostrum has same nourishment value as Mother’s milk required for child growth. Hence if after delivery, if mother is unable to produce milk or want alternative option to breastfeed her child, she can use A2 milk.
  • A2 millk also contains Cerebrosides that enhances the brain power and strontium that enhances body immunity.
  • After delivery, there can be situation that mother cannot produce the milk that child requires. To produce more milk naturally, the mother can consume A2 milk as it increases breast milk production in feeding mothers.
  • Apart from this, one can also prevent migraine headaches, asthama, joint pain, thyroid, acidity, cancer by consuming A2 milk rather than A1 milk.
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