Chances are you’ve heard yourself or others described as introvert or extrovert, but what exactly is the difference between introvert and extrovert?

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1. How They Recharge

Introverts recharge their social batteries by taking time to be alone with themselves and their thoughts. This time is precious and allows them to show up energized in social situations. They’ll often need some time after social gatherings, especially large ones, before showing their face again to allow time for them to restore themselves.

On the other hand, extroverts rely on social interaction to fill their cup. Many extroverts have trouble concentrating and focusing if they’ve spent too much time alone and will actively go out and socialize to recharge and get their thoughts and ideas churning again.

2. How They Are Perceived

It is pretty easy to pick out introverts and extroverts in a crowd most of the time.

Those who lean towards the quiet side and observation are often introverted personalities, while those actively engaging with multiple people and buzzing around are more likely extroverts. You’ll likely perceive an introvert as quiet or shy and extroverts as outgoing and conversational.

3. Where They Focus Attention

One of the most defining aspects of each personality type relates to where they focus their attention.

Introverts focus their attention inwardly. More often than not, they are content to explore and dive into their thoughts and ideas independently. A perfect day for an introvert involves being deep in their head.

Being alone with their thoughts feels like home to an introvert.

Extroverts, on the other hand, focus their attention outwardly. They tend to pull their big ideas and inspirations from exterior sources. Sitting at home alone will likely bring their creativity and ideas to a screeching halt. They need to get out and experience things to get their juices flowing.

4. How They Communicate

Extroverts love to express and talk about their thoughts and feelings outwardly. Communication is a life force for them. Since they tend to enjoy the attention and feel rewarded, they talk a lot to many different people.

Many extroverted personality types tend to work through their thoughts and feelings by outwardly speaking about them.

Introverts tend to communicate less prolifically and to significantly fewer people. It tends to be more difficult for introverts to open up, especially new people. It is rare to find them in a talkative mood unless they speak with someone they know very well.

5. The Size Of Their Social Circle

Another significant difference between introvert and extrovert personalities is the size of their social circles.

You may have guessed that introverts tend to have small circles while extroverts have very large ones.

Because introverts tend to only open up to a chosen few, their social circle stays small and tends to remain much the same over time. Extroverts, however, seem to add new people to their social circle every time they go out. Opening up to new people comes naturally, allowing them to grow their social circle continuously.

6. How They Concentrate On Tasks

While concentration also depends on other personality traits, there is a correlation between increased focus and introversion. Introverts love to be alone with their thoughts without interruption, contributing to their increased ability to focus.

Since extroverts tend to get their ideas and creativity from outside sources, they tend to have a more challenging time concentrating for longer periods.

Many extroverts say they need to recharge by going out and interacting with people to keep their motivation following. Often this requires frequent breaks from specific tasks and impedes overall concentration.

7. How They Spend Their Time

If you or someone you know is introverted, you’re likely aware of how much time introverts spend on their own. Solitude feels safe and comfortable for introverts, while social interactions feel exhausting after a while.

Most introverts spend a lot of time alone working on various hobbies and interests. As you may imagine, extroverts spend most of their time around friends and families.

Their social calendar is usually full of events involving lots of people. They feed off social interaction and work to get as much as they can whenever they can.

8. How They Listen

Extroverts tend to work through their thoughts, ideas, and feelings by talking them out with other people. While this is a great way to process things, extroverts tend to talk more than listen.

Introverts tend to sway to the opposite side of the pendulum. In social interactions and conversations, introverts are more likely to listen and observe than contribute by speaking.

This ability makes introverts excellent listeners. Extroverts can also be great listeners, but it does not tend to come as naturally as it does for those on the introverted side of the spectrum.

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