So how can you tell if you lie somewhere on the spectrum? Read on to learn about six common narcissistic traits.

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You like to be the center of attention:

Narcissists dominate conversations. They feel compelled to talk about themselves, and they exaggerate their accomplishments.You might find yourself embellishing your stories, spinning them to impress your audience. You paint yourself as the boss’s most trusted advisor, the most flexibly yogi in your class, the most popular neighbor on the block. These fabrications are easy to excuse as little white lies that help you tell a better tale. But really they serve a riskier purpose: to shore up an idealized version of yourself that distracts you from the intolerable fear that you are actually not good enough.

You have a habit of giving (unsolicited) advice:

Sure, you’re trying to be helpful by recommending the best restaurants , or sharing your wisdom on parenting through the terrible twos. But you are also seizing an opportunity to demonstrate your superior knowledge and insight.Narcissists are always a little more in the know. “They seem to have the inside info on everything.” By acting more sophisticated than everyone in the room, you are bolstering your inflated sense of self—unfortunately at their expense.

You detest waiting in line:

And you get frustrated if someone doesn’t respond to your voicemail right away. On some level, you feel you deserve special treatment, whether you’re among friends,Whatever a narcissist’s needs are, they need to be met now.They want automatic compliance because they are that important. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you live your life with a sense of entitlement, and for better or worse, expect the world to revolve around you.

You’re famous for holding grudges:

To everyone else you probably seem highly confident—the kind of person who doesn’t give a crap what other people think. But for narcissists, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. They care deeply about maintaining their idealized image of themselves, and have trouble tolerating any sort of disapproval or insult. No matter how small a criticism, it feels like a huge assault, a personal attack,and one they’re unlikely to forget. If they feel slighted, or abandoned, they don’t get over it. Rather than deal with their hurt feelings, they get angry and seek revenge, in one form or another.

It’s never your fault:

Ask yourself if you admit when you’re wrong: Do you own your screw-ups? Do you apologize for them, and try to fix them? Or do you immediately flip the script and say things like, “It’s because of how you were treating me that I did XYZ” or “You drove me to [cheat/drink/lash out].Narcissists refuse to be held accountable for their mistakes and bad behavior, and instead shift the blame to someone else. Even within their close personal relationships, narcissists believe there is always a winner and a loser, and they do what it takes to win.

You take advantage of people:

It may not be intentional, but it happens, because you tend to view situations in terms of what they mean for you, and you only. The reason? A lack of empathy. The “inability to turn into the emotional world of others” is a cornerstone of narcissism and  that makes it so dangerous. Narcissists expect others to revolve around their needs, but they refuse to do the same for anyone else.That means to get what you want, you aren’t afraid to manipulate or bully whoever is in your way. Because in the end, it’s always all about you.

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