SIBO (small instestinal bacterial overgrowth) is a dysbiosis or overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

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These are a few of the most common symptoms SIBO sufferers experience:

  • Excessive gas, bloating, and or belching
  • Altered digestive function in the form of diarrhea or constipation
  • Cramps or abdominal pain
  • Malabsorption of nutrients
  • Brain fog and fatigue

SIBO can cause a lot of debilitating symptoms and is associated with many other medical conditions. It can also cause absence from work and psychological issues like anxiety and depression. You can see a full list of symptoms and associated diseases here.


The terminology can often confuse people. SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome has always been the common diagnosis for people who have chronic bowel problems but show no signs of inflammatory bowel disease on scans.

Both of the terms are now used interchangeably because research has found that SIBO is often found in up to 60% of patients who are diagnosed with the more general term IBS. Basically, SIBO comes from the new wave of research that has showed that in the majority of patients with IBS there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel due to the dysfunction of the gut. This is why SIBO and IBS can often times mean the same thing.

On the other hand, it is possible to have SIBO or IBS on its own. SIBO can exist when any other condition in the body allows for bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel. For example, adhesions, pseudo obstruction, narcotics, diabetes, and anything that slows down the flow of the small bowel allowing bacterial buildup.

IBS can also sometimes exist without SIBO. This is usually when someone has less severe symptoms and has food sensitivities or occasional bouts of constipation or diarrhea. From my experience, in most cases the people who have SIBO often times have more severe digestive issues because of the overgrowth of bacteria which causes a lot of gas, bloating, and uncomfortable digestive symptoms.


There are many different reasons SIBO can occur. Something else in the body has to go wrong in order for this dysbiosis in the small intestine to happen. While bacteria is normal and healthy, excessive amounts of the wrong kinds of bacteria in the small bowel is not normal.

The following are just a few ways someone can develop SIBO:

Dysmotility: Cleansing waves in the small bowel which sweep bacteria and undigested materials down are damaged allowing SIBO to occur.

Structural Issues: Adhesions, kinks in the bowel, cut nerves, obstructions.

Broad Spectrum Antibiotics/Gut Flora Disruption: Overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics which allows bacterial dysbiosis.

Failed Natural Protections: Low stomach acid, weakened immune system, pancreatic insufficiency.

Stress: While stress is not found to be a direct cause it can contribute to the problem because stress decreases motility of food and proper digestive processes.


A lot of the time people who struggle with SIBO have issues with malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies. They struggle to eat a variety of foods because the bacterial overgrowth feeds on highly fermentable roughage like broccoli, cauliflower, beans, and other fermentable carbohydrates. This can be an issue because it leaves their body starving for vital nutrients we get from fermentable plant-based foods.

In my experience eating with this digestive condition, I have found pure green juice to be an amazing source of nutrition which is rapidly absorbed. It also allows people with digestive problems to get a small amount of insoluble fiber into their diet which can help with constipation. In the case of SIBO, the quick absorption of nutrients from green juice can allow people who struggle with malabsorption to get essential nutrients.

One important thing to remember is that most people with SIBO cannot tolerate much fructose or fruit so it is important to keep juices purely green. This will allow them to get a healthy dose of absorbable greens without feeding the SIBO with fructose.

A few of the vegetables I like to use in the green blends are:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Ginger (great for promoting motility)
  • Parsley
  • Celery
  • Lemon (small amounts are usually tolerable)
  • Other green vegetables

Green juice is an awesome supplement for anyone who struggles with digestive issues including SIBO.

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