. A change of season affects the climate, the environment and along with it, our immunity as well.

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Let’s get an idea of what kinds of diseases are common in the summer season. According to Ayurveda, there are three physical energies or doshas that make our constitution. These doshas can change according to seasons and in every season, 1 dosha usually increases in comparison with the other. In the summer season, the ‘pitta’ dosha increases in the body. Pitta represents heat. As the environment outside of our bodies is hot, it is but natural that Pitta will be the dominant dosha in our bodies.

Following are some symptoms associated with an imbalance in Pitta:

  • Swelling: parts of the body might swell, become red and hurt
  • Pyrexia: Increased body temperature. It is a reaction of the body to infections and other foreign substances.
  • Excess Perspiration: The body starts secreting excess sweat from the sweat glands to cool the body. This may be good for internal mechanisms, but excess sweat can lead to skin problems and affect personal hygiene.
  • Rashes: Rash or irritated skin is often seen in individuals in the summer season. It is also seen in people with asthma and the ones who are allergic to certain substances.
  • Burning sensations: A lot of people suffer from Burning sensations in the body, especially in the feet.
  • Loose Bowels: A condition in which faeces are frequently discharged from the body in liquid form.

Treating these imbalances involves calming the pitta dosha in the body. Ideally, an equilibrium should always be maintained among the three doshas in our body. A proper equilibrium helps maintain bodily health and can keep the individual away from diseases and other ailments. Ayurveda’s primarily goal is to help maintain this balance in the human body.

Ayurvedic treatment for summer season disease includes a number of guidelines and treatment options. Using an umbrella can help people prevent heat stroke. One guideline is to never fast or skip meals. Inadequate food and energy for the body can lead to the body becoming weak. A weak body will have trouble withstanding the summer heat. Also avoidable is excessively spicy food. According to Ayurveda, spices in food serves to stimulate Agni (digestive fire) in the stomach. In other words, it increases the heat in the body. An increase in heat will contribute to the accumulation of Pitta and is therefore undesirable.

Ayurvedic treatment for summer season disease often involves dietary specifications. For starters, an increase in the consumption of clarified butter, dried rapes, gherkins, jeera, methi seeds, almonds and dates. Including the right food will raise immunity and balance the doshas in the body. Foods that are sweet in taste can be eaten in summer. Care should be taken to not overdo the consumption of sweet foods. Increase in consumption of liquids can help to cool the body and reduce Pitta. Even oily and fried foods can be consumed in moderation. White rice can be eaten with meat. Milk and can be consumed with this to keep the body cool.

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