You know those people who just glow?

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OJAS is the essence of all our tissues.It could be described as a substance or liquid in the body responsible for our overall health, vitality, and liveness as well as the strength of our immune system.

It is created by our body through the proper digestion of healthy foods that are pacifying for our body type, prepared with love, and properly assimilated.In other words, Ojas is the powerful serum you produce by living a healthy lifestyle. This life juice irrigates all your organs and tissues and nourishes them at a deep level.

It’s also crucial to understand that Agni, our digestive fire, needs to be strong enough to facilitate the digestion of the healthy foods we eat to ultimately create the divine Ojas serum.Agni is the digestive fire in charge of converting what we eat into the substances our bodies can utilize to thrive.

Therefore, when our Agni fire is weak or overpowering and our digestion is out of whack, so it’s the rest of our health.

Digestion is not the only important factor in the creation of OJAS.Our lifestyle is key to ensure we stay radiant and glowing.We lack Ojas when we drink alcohol frequently, smoke, overwork, and party excessively.

Not getting sufficient sleep, spending too much time on social media, working out beyond our limits, or even having too much sex can reduce the serum of youth too.

In fact, sex needs to be balanced as OJAS is found in the reproductive organs and fluids. In addition, if you are feeling stressed, angry, or depressed you are most likely depleting the essence your body needs so badly to flourish.

What to eat to increase Ojas?

  • Freshly cooked foods! Avoid microwaved, frozen, or canned food.
  • Almonds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dates (Actually, dates soaked with ghee are a great OJAS food!)
  • Figs
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Ghee
  • Avocados
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Basmati rice
  • Tofu
  • Soy milk
  • Honey
  • Mangoes
  • Bananas

The lifestyle choices we make every day have an important role in building OJAS.

Moreover, our emotions are critical to our digestion -and elimination!- so we must check our daily routine and make some changes if we need to in order to produce some good quality OJAS.

These are some tips that can help you nourish that glow 🙂

  • Establish a routine where you wake up and go to bed at the same time every day—or almost every day! Going to bed before 10 pm is an effective way to get the deepest sleep and build some OJAS during the night.
  • Meditate! This will calm your mind and nervous system which has positive effects on your OJAS creation process.
  • Start your day with a devoted attitude towards God or the Universe. This helps purify your life serum. Pray and set a clear intention for your day.
  • Don’t over exercise!
  • Practice yin-yoga. This is such a nourishing practice for both your mind and body.
  • Do Abhyanga or ayurvedic self-massage with warm oils. This will calm your senses.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Keep a positive mind.
  • Say sweet words.
  • Do good deeds.

Using certain OJAS building herbs like ashwagandha can offer an extra help.The process of creating OJAS is one that requires willingness and a bit of discipline.

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