According to Divorce Statistics, recent surveys show that 22% of married men and 14% of married women admit to cheating on their spouse at least once during the marriage.

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1. Not feeling heard or seen by your partner.

We all get caught up in our lives and forget to focus on the needs of others, even those that we love. Over time, not celebrating the successes of our significant other or treating their struggles with empathy can take a toll on the relationship.

Taking the time to check in with your partner each day can make all the difference in a loving and committed relationship.

2. The excitement of something different.

Days can become monotonous and boring – getting ready, going to work, making dinner, etc.

Without something to look forward to or creating spontaneity in your life together, you may look for ways (even subconsciously) to find excitement.

Cheating may just become that exciting new thing if you don’t find your life at home stimulating enough.

3. Having low self-esteem.

Cheating on someone you love may be more about the one engaged in infidelity than about the relationship.

Physical connection with another person is hard-wired into you to stoke confidence. You may look to an affair for that boost of self-esteem.

Luckily, many other techniques boost mood and self-esteem – from exercise to talk therapy. Engaging in healthier daily practices may just be what you need to stay in your loving relationship.

4. Being bored in your relationship.

Having a schedule helps you manage time in your busy life, but it can also lead to boredom. You may subconsciously seek a way off the boredom track by doing something entirely out of character, like having a fling.

But don’t destroy your relationship because you’re bored. Try to do something different from the usual routine. Get out and play with your partner, be silly, and laugh. The key to avoiding boredom in a relationship is trying new things together.

5. Feeling a low level of commitment from your partner.

Relationships can’t be one-sided if they are to thrive. Of course, time apart from each other to focus on your own interests and passions is important. But you must also ensure that the person you love knows you love them.

Not feeling loved by your partner can cause you to seek love from someone else. Both people in the relationship need to take the time to show, not just tell, their partner that they love them.

6. Being angry at your partner.

Arguments are a part of relationships, and they can be a valuable way to work through issues.

The strength of a relationship doesn’t rest on the number of arguments you have but how you bounce back from them and come together. 

It’s the coming back together that is the significant part. Leaving argument after argument without resolution leads to long-standing and deep-rooted anger. Take the time to show your love after a heated disagreement and work to resolve your conflicts.

7. Having unmet sexual desires.

Regular physical intimacy with your partner is an essential part of any relationship. But if you have unmet sexual needs at home, you may try to satisfy them elsewhere.

For both men and women, one’s partner must try to meet the sexual needs of the other for a healthy relationship. If your partner never initiates or pushes you away, you may turn to someone else to fulfill your sexual needs.

As a couple, strive to add spontaneity to your sex life and discuss any differences in sexual needs. If children and busy schedules get in the way of spontaneity, plan some special date nights to ensure sex happens, even if you have put it on the calendar.

8. Jealousy toward your partner.

Feeling your partner is successful, intelligent, and attractive is one thing, but comparing yourself to your partner can lead to deep-rooted jealousy. You may seek someone who validates your good qualities if you feel jealous of your partner’s attributes.

A loving and committed relationship should include lots of affirmation, not competition. Recognizing that each of you plays a significant role in the relationship and working on your own self-esteem can help prevent jealousy or resentment.

9. Extended time away.

In some infidelity situations, one partner is away from the other for extended periods. It might be due to travel for work or a pastime or hobby that keeps you apart,

Too much time away is a form of neglect, and the neglected person may look for companionship elsewhere. It could be a friendship that evolves into a full-blown affair.

Being away from the person you love requires you to work harder on the relationship and the emotional connection between you. Managing a loving relationship from a distance involves lots of communication, gestures that show you care, and planned time together to look forward to.

It might also mean cutting back on travel or activities that pull you away to spend more time with the one you love.

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