The confusion around spirituality is higher than ever

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You are Retreating yourself to escape the reality:

Retreats and wellness hotels are a full-fledged profit-making industry now and they’re more about creating a space to escape than going deeper into your psyche to meet your true self.

Some retreat centers also advertise themselves as “Escape From Your Reality.” The automatic assumption is that a retreat is your direct ticket to the universe. (once you have ignored all your real issues) If you have anything like “Retreat Withdrawal Symptom” then you know, your retreat wasn’t really a retreat.

You are sacralising meaningless goods:

The true magic ritual lies in the innate power of your focus. No magic sister candle is going to connect you to the source within yourself the way you and only, you can. The rampant production of products through sacralization of meaningless goods with holy texts is another version of branded spirituality.

You buy products corresponding to your zodiac sign:

The trend of drinking power shots according to one’s zodiac sign isn’t something that makes sense to the cosmos.

Astrology is powerful but it isn’t a field that asks one to revel in one’s astrological sign in an obsessive manner. It is an aspect to understand ourselves from a planetary point of view, which is not the only point of view.  Also, here is a fact: we have all the sun and moon signs within us.

You Yoga Slay by the Bay for the Instant Gram:

Yoga is the union of the mind, body, and soul. To derive the complete benefits of yoga, one has to move beyond the “Yoga Babe” and “Yoga Dude” phase.

You feel crippled without crystals:

Crystals are beautiful and their presence is certainly healing. They exist in nature to teach us how to tune in with all the healing vibration within ourselves.

The new age culture is using crystals as a clutch while reinforcing the belief that all things good exist outside of us and not within us. So, re-examine your relationship with  crystals.

You cannot live without a self-help guru:

All self-help, in totality, is self-help and any guru or spiritual teacher that doesn’t echo this in their teaching isn’t healthy for your holistic growth and development. Above all, your inner being waits for your true attention to its existence so that it can take you to the world of your personal inner wisdom.

Any teacher that says their teachings are extremely special and that their teaching is a special piece of cake you have been waiting for your entire life and no other teacher is serving that cake, then you know you’ve gotten yourself into another marketing gimmick.

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