The emphasis is on soothing, hydrating and protecting formulations to pacify Vata-imbalanced skin

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1. Pay attention to your diet

Eat a diet rich in fresh seasonal vegetables and antioxidants. Generally in the Vata season, increase moist and nurturing foods. As Kapha Dosha may also be on the rise during mid to end of winter, be mindful that foods aren’t too heavy, unless it’s particularly dry – i.e., no snow, rain or minimal moisture in the environment. You can favor sour, salty and sweet tastes and reduce spicy, sour and oily foods. Drink warm water throughout the day and minimize caffeine, cold drinks, raw veggies and protein shakes.

2. Quality rest is important

Sleep deprivation shows up with lackluster skin and pouches under the eyes. Your skin is like a mirror – it reflects everything that is happening inside your body and mind. Adjust your bedtime – going to bed early (before 10pm) is very soothing and helps to improve skin. When you have enough rest, the result is glowing skin and clear bright eyes.

3. If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin

Avoid cleansing products that dry out the skin, like alcohol-based cleansers or those containing synthetic materials and chemicals. Products for acne in particular can be especially harsh and lead to dry skin, which incidentally can worsen acne when it builds up in the pores.

4. Using soothing, hydrating and protecting products

Skin with a Vata imbalance needs soothing and coddling. Products that are gentle, natural and nourishing will work to restore moisture and rejuvenate the skin’s appearance and tone.

Traditional Ayurvedic oils are all natural and can be used regularly for self-abhyanga, or massage. For the winter season, I recommend the following daily massage oils: Ksheerabala Thailam Oil for the face, Pavan OilEladi Keratailam Oil (coconut base) and Eladi Tailam Oil (sesame base) for the body and Pinda Thailam Oil for the feet.

5. Perform regular Ayurvedic full body massages with oil

Daily self-massage is a daily practice in Ayurvedic lifestyle to nourish the body both inside and out. In Ayurveda, the term Sneha for oil is also a word for love, for oil infuses everything it touches with an all-enveloping, nurturing energy. You can perform this rejuvenating treat for yourself every day before your morning shower or an hour before you go to bed.

A relaxing self-massage increases circulation, helps the body flush out toxins and tones the skin, keeping it looking soft, smooth and supple. If you allow the oil to sit for a few minutes, it penetrates the body’s inner tissues for more supple bones and joints.

Selecting your oil

To combat excess Vata in the winter season, you want to choose a warming oil like sesame or almond.

Use a natural external moisturizer for touch ups

The best way to nourish skin is internally through diet and externally through oil massage – you will get the best, long lasting results with self-abhyanga. For a quick fix when you are on the go or struggling with an extra dry patch, external lotion can help to temporarily soothe the issue. Try a homemade lotion using all natural ingredients to ensure what you put on your skin is nontoxic and easily absorbable by the body.

Natural Moisturizing Lotion DIY Home Remedy

½ oz cocoa butter

4 oz avocado, sunflower or almond oil

Orange peel, sandalwood or rose water essential oil drops

Melt cocoa butter and oil over medium heat. Remove from heat and add a few drops of essential oil. Apply to face and body after cleansing.



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