find comfort in knowing there are certain truths that can provide guidance, faith and hope

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Ask for what you want.

When you step out and claim what you want a wonderful thing happens – the Universe responds.

Perfect just as you are.

While it’s important to have control over your life, it can be counterproductive to control your life. The energy spent trying to be perfect can keep you from enjoying all the good things that lives right before you.

Laughter is indeed the best medicine.

Yes, things can go wrong in life. Yes, there are issues and problems to solve. But you have a choice. You can choose to become pessimistic and not see the value in what you experience, or you can choose to laugh as an admission to the fact you are not perfect and life can get the best of you at times. What a relief to know that no matter how bad things may look, a smile or a rift of laughter can begin to make the things feel better.

Free yourself.

Before you can do anything, you must be able to imagine it. Imagining who and what you want to be, and then taking action, is the key to begin freeing yourself of what is holding you back.

Don’t be afraid to be happy.

No matter how painful, sometimes what you know is more comfortable than what you don’t know. Misery can feel safe because it has been a part of you for so long. To seek happiness; to do things to break free of the pain, can be frightening because you don’t know what it looks like or feels like to be happy.

Acknowledge what needs to change.

Somewhere along the way there are truths about yourself that you never allowed to see the light of day. Shame, guilt or embarrassment keeps these truths hidden and locked away. But remember, you cannot change or heal what you do not acknowledge.

Your soul knows the truth.

You may say the words, the words of a lie, but inside you know better; you know the truth. The most damaging lie you can tell yourself involves making a promise. While good intentions are important, living the truth has far greater value. Do what you say you are going to do, not just to improve the quality of your life, but to be able to live your life with confidence and self-respect.

Love goes on and on.

To lose what means the most to us is the ultimate test of helplessness and survival. When I lost my friend two years ago, my world grew cold and dark. Since then, I’m learning that I can transfer all of the love I have for him and give it to others who are still with me. In this way, the love for my brother will go on and on.

You have the power to choose.

No matter how bleak or desperate a situation may appear to look, you always have choices. Even with the absence of answers or direction, you do have the power to choose what your next action is. You can choose to ask for help; you can choose to pray; you can choose to get up in the morning, get dressed and forge ahead. The ability to choose gives you power. You can use that power to begin removing the obstacles that stand in front of you.

Forgiveness heals you.

To be clear, the purpose of forgiveness is not to let the person who harmed you off the hook, the purpose of forgiveness is to end the grief it has cost you. Don’t just let go, forgive and truly surrender the feelings of anger and pain. This may seem difficult, almost impossible, until you attempt to do it.


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