The truth is, everything in our environment has an effect on and within us–whether it’s the sun, our food, the places we frequent, or our thoughts.

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While in today’s world many women are not connected to the lunar cycles, their menstrual cycles are still influenced by the moon. Studies have shown that that peak rates of conception and ovulation appear to occur at the full moon or the day before.  It’s also common when women live together for their ovulations and menstruation to be in synch. This is why women living in the same household or dormitory will often menstruate at the same time. It’s like a modern day moon lodge.

Scientific research has documented that the moon affects not only the tide, but our individual body fluids and physiological processes by interacting with the electromagnetic field of  our bodies. In addition, further evidence suggests our dreams and emotional rhythms are keyed into the moon and tides as well as the planets.Following are ways Moon impacts:—-

Regulate your menstrual cycle. When you are tuned into your lunar nature and in synch with the phases of the moon, you will typically start your period around the new moon and be at peak ovulation at the full moon. Studies have shown that peak rates of conception and ovulation appear to occur at the full moon or the day before. However during the new moon ovulation and conception rates decrease overall, and an increased number of women start their menstrual bleeding.

Improve surgery outcomes. According to a 2013 study in the journal Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, patients who had heart surgery during a full moon stayed in the hospital 4 fewer days than patients who had surgery during other lunar cycles.

Explain your emotions. You may cry or feel stressed during the new moon. Our solar culture tries to minimize our “new moon emotions” with PMSmedications and antidepressants. But many women today realize that despite their best efforts to suppress their symptoms, this phase is not just about cramps, headache and fatigue. It’s premenstrual truth-telling! You need to acknowledge the strong feelings and intuitions that arise during the new moon phase. This can be the key to eliminating PMS.

Influence your energy level. Practitioners of Ashtanga yoga have long taken “moon days” off. They believe that people exhibit too much energy on full moon days, which could lead to injury. During the new moon, Ashtangis participate in activities that calm the mind, such as meditation. You may want to tune into your own energy levels during the full and new moons and see what exercises your body best responds to.

Help you conceive. As with menstruation, the timing of the fertility cycle and labor also follows the moon.

Affect your sleep. One Swiss study reported in Current Biology, showed that participants who spent 3.5 days in a sleep lab where they were allowed to fall asleep and wake up as they normally would and where there was no access to sunlight or clocks, slept 20 minutes less overall during the full moon. It also took them longer to fall asleep and they had 30% less deep sleep. In addition, the participants had lower levels of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin.


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