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Raw Almonds

When added to a healthy diet, almonds can help influence lower blood pressure levels. In fact, almonds are included in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension — DASH Diet.

In the diet, almonds are included in the “nuts, seeds and legumes” group. The diet recommends eating four to five servings of this food group per week. With regard to almonds, one serving of almonds is just one-third cup.

The healthy monounsaturated fat in almonds contributes to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduced arterial inflammation, which ultimately helps lower the pressure inside the arteries.

Coconut Water

Coconut water finds itself high on the list of home remedies for high blood pressure. One of the causes of high blood pressure is an imbalance of electrolytes in the blood.

Since coconut water contain an adequate supply of minerals and salts, it can help counter this imbalance. Modern researchers say the potassium content in coconut water plays a huge role in lowering blood pressure.

Both potassium chloride (seen in supplements) and potassium citrate (seen in foods) can help with your blood pressure levels. Potassium helps balance out the level of sodium in your blood and keeps your body functioning properly.

Raw Cacao

Flavanols an anti-inflammatory and heart-protective antioxidant found in raw cacao may protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve blood circulation.

Thus lowering your blood pressure. Cacao contains over 700 compounds and the complex antioxidants found in it known as polyphenols help reduce ‘bad cholesterol’ and prevent hardening of the arteries.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

A study published in the Journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, looked at the effect that vinegar has on blood pressure if it is introduced to your diet.

The results of the research showed that consumption of acetic acid (which is found in apple cider vinegar) caused a significant reduction in hypertension (high blood pressure). The research found that the acetic acid reduced blood pressure by lowering the renin activity. Renin is an enzyme which helps regulate blood pressure.

Raw Garlic

As the body increases production of an enzyme called angiotensin I-converting enzyme, or “ACE”, blood pressure increases. Pharmaceutical drugs called ACE inhibitors work by blocking the formation of this enzyme, but they have multiple side effects.

Garlic contains gamma-glutamylcysteine, a natural ACE inhibitor. Research suggest that, this chemical, in combination with the high allicin content, gives garlic its ability to dilate arteries, thereby lowering blood pressure.


Research shows that turmeric can reduce hypertension by regulating the activity of angiotensin receptors and thereby preventing the blood vessels from constricting. Not only curcumin, a turmeric oil fraction, and turmerone also demonstrate similar activity.

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