Research shows that pomegranates have a greater antioxidant capacity than red wine, cranberry juice, green tea, grape juice, or acai juice.

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1. It Gets Your Blood Pressure In Check

study found that people with high blood pressure who drank 5 ounces of pomegranate juice every day for two weeks saw a significant reduction in their blood pressure.  The polyphenols in the juice are responsible for reducing systolic blood pressure through various mechanisms. For this reason, it may be beneficial to add it as a part of a comprehensive blood pressure reduction strategy that combines pharmacotherapy and dietary therapy.

2. It Lowers Your Cholesterol And Risk For Heart Disease

Evidence suggests that pomegranates may have a positive effect on your cholesterol levels by lowering “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in your bloodstream. The fruit also works to prevent plaque buildup in your arteries using its phytochemicals, which reduce LDL oxidation (a big contributor to plaque formation), thus reducing your risk for heart disease.

3. It Fights Anemia Symptoms

Research shows that pomegranates (in any form) supply your body with iron — a mineral that helps reduce anemia symptoms such as weakness, exhaustion, dizziness, and hearing loss, and improves your body’s ability to absorb iron. If you are anemic, try eating a medium-sized pomegranate in the morning on an empty stomach or drinking a glass of pomegranate juice with your breakfast.

4. It Offers Plaque Protection

Pomegranate juice drinkers can expect cleaner teeth. Why? Along with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, the juice protects against dental plaque microorganisms. A study in the Ancient Science of Life found that drinking pomegranate juice (without sugar) reduced plaque-forming units by 32 percent through its polyphenols, ellagic acids, and tannins.

5. You’ll Have Clearer Skin

Pomegranates are rich in punicic acid, an omega-5 fatty acid that keeps your skin moisturized. They contain compounds that stop collagen breakdown, keeping your skin soft, smooth, and firm. Pomegranates even prevent acne by regulating the production of sebum, the oily substance your skin secretes that causes pimples, and by reducing skin inflammation.

6.It’ll Keep You Looking Young

Pomegranates have several anti-aging properties that will leave your skin feeling young. It helps strengthen the outer layer of your skin, repairs skin damage, extends the life of the cells that produce elastin and collagen, and reduces inflammation, leaving you with less wrinkles and more youthful looking skin. You’ll see the oil produced from pomegranate seeds listed as a common ingredient in serums, facial creams, and massage oils because of these qualities and its non-greasy texture. Pomegranate juice can also help protect your skin from sun damage by fighting off free radicals, leaving you with less age spots.

7. It May Help You Lose Weight

Due to high levels of fiber and vitamin C in its seeds and leaf extract, pomegranates can help curb your hunger. Pomegranate leaf extract can be used as an appetite suppressor for obesity. Studies show that, along with suppressing appetite, the leaf extract slows down energy intake and decreases lipase activity in the pancreas.

8. It Can Protect Against Breast Cancer

Pomegranates are one of few foods that contain natural aromatase inhibitors. This means that they can prevent the reproduction of breast cancer cells and even kill some of them. Research shows that polyphenols in pomegranate juice are effective in cancer cells in the breast duct lining and that pomegranate oil can help prevent the spread of cancer cells by up to 90 percent.

9. It Protects Against Other Cancers

Pomegranates can combat certain cancers because of their high levels of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. These vitamins and minerals stop free radicals from damaging cells. The fruit also, along with its juice, oil, and extract, exerts anti-inflammatory properties that fight cancers. In addition to breast cancer, pomegranates are commonly associated with preventing prostateskincolon, and lung cancer. Let’s be clear: pomegranates aren’t a magical healer for cancer. However, they can be helpful in preventing tumors.

10. It Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers at the University of Huddersfield found that a natural compound in pomegranates (punicalagin) uses its anti-inflammatory properties to help treat neuroinflammation associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It can also help slow down its progression.

Research shows that pomegranates have a greater antioxidant capacity than red wine, cranberry juice, green tea, grape juice, or acai juice. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including:—

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Folic Acid
  • Ellagic Acid
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous
  • Calcium



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