Heart palpitations can be a lot like that- an unexpected jolt out of your everyday rhythm.

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What do heart palpitations feel like?

  • Rapid or racing heartbeat
  • Fluttering sensation in the chest
  • Pounding or thumping feeling
  • Skipped or missed beats
  • A brief pause followed by a strong heartbeat
  • Flip-flopping, like a fish in the chest
  • Quivering
  • Heartbeats occurring too close together
  • Heart “jumping” in the chest
  • Fast, forceful heartbeat accompanied by shortness of breath
  • An irregular rhythm that feels as if the heart is stumbling or hesitating

The top  causes of heart palpitations are:

Unhealthy eating habits :

An unhealthy diet can often trigger heart palpitations. The typical American diet is riddled with processed foods, from sugar and refined carbohydrates to seed oils and artificial additives. Our bodies simply weren’t made to digest these manufactured “foods.” So, as a defense mechanism, the body might respond with heart palpitations.

Furthermore, modern diets tend to lack the essential nutrients our hearts need to function seamlessly. Compromised farming practices and pollution have depleted the soil, making it difficult for our bodies to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal health. As a result, electrolyte imbalances, such as insufficient magnesium and potassium, can lead to heart palpitations.

Navigating the sea of “heart-healthy” diets can feel overwhelming, but the answer is surprisingly straightforward. We should embrace the wholesome eating habits of our Paleolithic ancestors. Stick to organic, whole foods in their natural state, like grass-fed meats, seafood, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and nourishing herbs and spices. Additionally, incorporate omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like fatty fish to support a healthy heart rhythm and minimize the risk of palpitations.

Unhappy gut:

Our unhealthy diets have an enormous impact on the health of our guts. The human gut is like a bustling metropolis of millions of microbes, ideally coexisting in perfect harmony. However, research indicates that an imbalance of gut bacteria can wreak havoc beyond the stomach, contributing to issues such as dementia, obesity, and depression. Intriguingly, it also seems to have a significant influence on heart palpitations.

Several studies have discovered a link between heart palpitations and an altered gut microbiome. This imbalance paves the way for leaky gut, a condition where unwelcome bacteria and their metabolites seep into the bloodstream, sparking inflammation and potentially impacting the heart’s rhythm. Furthermore, certain beneficial bacteria have been shown to help maintain a stable heartbeat.

Nurturing a healthy gut microbiome is essential for protecting our heart’s symphony. In fact, many people have found relief from heart palpitations by addressing imbalances in their gastrointestinal orchestra. By taking care of your gut, you’re also caring for your heart, ensuring its rhythm remains steady.

Excessive stress:

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but managing it in a healthy way is imperative in fighting off heart palpitations. Often overlooked by healthcare practitioners, stress profoundly impacts our bodies, particularly our hearts.

Research reveals chronic stress ignites inflammation throughout the body, exacerbating heart palpitations. In addition, negative emotions cause the release of cortisol and other stress hormones that directly impact the heart. To put it plainly, stress has the power to kill.

Discovering ways to mitigate stress, manage emotions like anger, and pursue happiness is crucial.

Lack of sunshine:

Have you ever noticed that you feel better when the sun is shining? Our ancestors basked in the sun daily; today, we spend approximately 93% of our time indoors. And, because Big Business has convinced most people to cover themselves in toxic sunscreens, the time we spend outside is irrelevant for most people. As a result, society has a widespread vitamin D deficiency and a subsequent health crisis.

Sunlight boosts vitamin D and increases nitric oxide, a vasodilator essential for smooth blood flow. Both vitamin D and nitric oxide are crucial in maintaining overall health. A lack of vitamin D can increase the risk of health conditions linked to heart disease, including diabetes and high blood pressure.

Interestingly, heart palpitations tend to increase during the dark winter months. Studies have directly connected vitamin D deficiency with heart palpitations, underscoring the importance of sunlight for maintaining a steady, healthy heartbeat.

Poor sleep:

Humans followed the sun’s natural cycle for centuries, going to bed at sunset and waking at sunrise. However, modern life has disrupted these healthy sleep patterns with artificial light, exposure to screens, and an acceptance of constant exhaustion. This sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on our health.

Artificial light reduces melatonin production, increases inflammation, and heightens the risk of heart problems. During sleep, our body repairs itself, including our blood vessels, which is essential for maintaining heart health. Research indicates that sleep deprivation activates the sympathetic nervous system, causing a chain reaction that can lead to heart palpitations.

To safeguard your heart health, aim for 8-9 hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep each night. Minimize artificial light in your bedroom, keep electronics at bay, and align your sleep schedule with the sun’s natural rhythms.



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