mental health is pivotal to physical health

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We’re all guilty of creating stories in our minds. The brain does this as a defense mechanism. Sometimes, however, the stories we fabricate don’t match reality. In the sequence of thoughts-actions-reality, our stories write the next chapter. That’s because the things we envision in our minds induce energy. And if they’re negative in nature, our stories invite negative energy that manifests in the form of situations, events, and people. Let’s say your partner isn’t picking up your calls. Depending on your previous experiences with him, you might start to think he’s mad at you, with “someone else,” or in trouble. You begin to flesh out to these thoughts, adding details such as what the other person looks like or even planning your imminent breakup. If you dread the outcome of something, you might concoct a story that involves the worst possible scenario so that if the worst does transpire, at least you’re prepared. In reality, the only thing this does is afflict your mental health and propel more doubt and desperation. The next time you find yourself creating disadvantageous stories, stop your thoughts in their tracks. Return to the present and apply logic. Examine what’s making you imagine bad things: is it a former trauma, a tendency to be pessimistic, etc.? Remind yourself that these things haven’t happened and don’t need to happen. Then, distract yourself by getting out of your head. Pick up a book, read a random article, or learn about a new topic. When you feel calmer, close your eyes and start the story again. Go through the scenes and modify them to benefit you. Alter your stories regularly to regain emotional control and project more positive outcomes in time.



They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, and they’re right! This can mean taking the same actions in a relationship, your workplace, or your family. If you keep doing something that results in you feeling unhappy or dissatisfied, stop doing it and alter your strategy. You might think you have no other choice, but you do—no one decides how you should act but you! If you feel miserable in your job, don’t hesitate to have a serious conversion with your boss or seek other employment. Or if your dynamic with a toxic person is harming your mental health, don’t be think twice to distance yourself from him or her. When you shift the way you behave, others will shift the way they react to you. In this way you transmute the energy around you and by extension, the situations you attract. Changing your course of action is the only way to encourage a new outcome and feel more at ease on the inside.




Having an attitude of gratitude goes a long way in achieving better mental health. Instead of fretting about things that didn’t go your way, take a moment to thank the universe for the many things that did work in your favor. No matter how dispirited you may be feeling or how unfair you think life has been with you, find just one reason to be grateful right now. It can be something simple or obvious, but don’t take it for granted. Then, speak your gratitude out loud. You can say things like, “Thank you for keeping me safe during that accident,” or “Thank you for giving me a roof over my head.” Take a few moments to reflect on the positive portions of your life. Remember, there’s someone in this world who would give anything to be in your place.


Your mind is the precursor to your reality. Guard it, honor it, and make it a safe haven—these actions will change not only your mental health, but your future.

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