Love is the core heart frequency that unifies and lifts people’s perceptions above separation

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Love is the core heart frequency that unifies and lifts people’s perceptions above separation. When our heart, mind and emotions are in alignment and not in conflict with each other, this makes it easier to sense our intuitive heart’s direction for effective choices and guidance.

Radiating love has a cumulative effect that helps us increase our initiative to act on important intentions and commitments that are challenging to get started or follow through with.

The practice of intentionally sending love will create an automatic tendency to precede with interactions from a more loving spirit, resulting in more harmony and less stress in our relationships. Sending love also helps to soften the energetic field around us, making it easier for others to access their hearts and experience deeper resonance and genuine connection.

The impact of collective heart power in the world is still in its early stages – yet it’s on the rise now due to the increase of stress and the desperate need for solutions that the mind can’t deliver without the heart. We are running out of ways to find happiness and peace without opening our hearts in order to get along with each other through kindness, cooperation and a respect for our cultural differences. This is a job for love that can’t be substituted.

Many of us understand this, but remembering to practice sending love is what can make all the difference.

Suggested Practice:

Let’s make a commitment to broadcast or radiate love for a minute or two during and in between daily activities and whenever we think of it. Breathe in and radiate love wherever and whenever you think of it: while shopping, when you’re on the phone, watching the news, with family or friends, before and during meetings, while driving or while walking somewhere. Let’s do this for a week or longer to reset our system with increased resilience, clearer thinking and more effective choices.

As we practice broadcasting love, we may not always feel the love. The feeling modulates at times, but that’s okay. It is our sincere intent that eventually increases our level of effectiveness and sets up a baseline for radiating love to become more automatic.

Suggested Steps for Broadcasting Love

  1. Focus on your heart and breathe in the feeling of love or appreciation that you have for someone or something you care about. This increases the effectiveness of your heart intention.
  2. Now feel your heart connecting with others across the planet who are sending love and compassion into the energetic field to help raise the heart vibration of humanity and reduce the collective stress.
  3. Radiate love and compassion with the intention to help ease the suffering that so many are experiencing, and to heal the separations, judgments and divisiveness that are creating global waves of stress, anxiety and uncertainty. As you practice broadcasting love, feel that you are contributing to the highest, best outcome for all.
  4. Now make a commitment to broadcast or radiate love during and in between activities or, as often as you can remember, to people, situations or issues that you care about.

Appreciate the benefits that you notice from doing this simple yet effective practice.

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