Excessive body heat is not a significant underlying disease.

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  1. Coconut water

The tender, tasty, juicy coconut water does magic to your body. This is an ideal answer for your question on how to reduce your body heat. It hydrates your body and balances the temperature producing electrolytes naturally.

  1. Wear loose dress

It’s true that tight fit clothes trap up the moisture in your body. So shift to the new cool dress code in style. Wear a loose summer top and flaunt it in classy with a light-colored natural fabric. Its scientifically proven that natural fabrics like cotton, linen etc. reduces the high heat of your body naturally.


  1. Buttermilk

The inevitable member of our home during summer, is one among the best home remedy to reduce body heat. This healthy drink contains essential probiotic vitamins and minerals which maintain the cooling of our body even in excess heat.

  1. Sitali breathe

This is a yoga breathing technique which naturally cools our body and mind. It helps us to relax down and cool setting apart the burden of our shoulders. It’s an easy prick to do.

  • First you have to be seated in a comfortable position.
  • Stick out your tongue and roll the outer edges in, (funny but effective)
  • Slowly inhale with your mouth
  • Exhale through your nose
  • Continue doing this at least for 5 minutes.
  1. Aloe vera

The natural cooling agent. Aloe Vera is the essential plant in every home that automatically cools down our body temperature. Its leaves and the gel inside does magic to our body! You can either consume it internally by adding the gel into water or use it externally on your skin and face. Both ways it cools down the high heat piled up inside you.

  1. Milk and honey

This natural home remedy to reduce body heat is simple and effective. Add a teaspoon of honey in to a glass of cold milk and see the change by yourself.

  1. Vitamin C rich foods to reduce body heat

Consuming foods which are high in Vitamin C boosts up your blood flow and metabolism. It’s a cure for internal and external heat of your body. Fruits like orange, strawberry, lemon etc. is tasty and healthy when consumed daily. Say bye to your caffeine drinks during summers and switch to a healthy habbit of fruity pulpy juices rich in vitamins.

  1. Grandma’s drink

It’s not officially named so, but you can literally call it as Grandma’s drink because it is a healthy home drink which your grandma might force you to drink when you are sick. Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and almond powder into a glass of fresh milk. Stir it well and gulp it up and see for yourself, how it reduces the body heat naturally keeping you fresh and healthy all day long.

  1. Peach punch

Peach is known to be the natural healer of your body heat. It contains Vitamin A and B2 Potassium which controls the body heat and maintains the balance naturally. Consume it directly adding to your salads or have a nice peach punch to hydrate yourself.

  1. Drink more water

Last but not the least, hydrating your body with sufficient water is a forever tip to reduce your body heat naturally. The magic water does to your body is awestruck. Drinking cold water melts down the heat and keeps you fresh and alive throughout.

  1. Cold water baths

When you look out for home remedies to reduce body heat, the best solution you can possibly come across is a cold water bath! Indeed, the easiest way to reduce body heat is by taking cold water baths or heading out for a swim in cold water.

  1. Lowered physical activity

When people usually face problems like headache, cramping or  nausea due to elevated body temperatures, they tend to look out for expensive therapies to reduce body heat and generally tend to overlook the tips on how to reduce body heat naturally. When an individual sets out to understand ways on how to keep body cool, what one fails to understand is that exercises or heavy workouts can increase body temperature and cause sweating. By reducing such intensive exercises, it becomes easy to reduce body heat.

  1. Sandalwood

This is one of those Ayurvedic items that is easily available in households in the form of soaps or powders. Applying this onto the skin or rubbing it on the body on a daily basis is known to reduce body heat.

  1. Pomegranate Juice

The summer season along with all the heat and sweat, rashes and body odours brings with itself an important question, ‘ how to reduce body heat?’ Well, it is not that difficult to get an answer to this question, especially when the markets are flooded with the explosive ‘anar’ or the pomegranate. Fresh pomegranate juice is not only beneficial to boost immunity against several diseases and pathogens but also has cooling effects on the body.

  1. Mints

Mints or peppermints are not only used to attain temporary fresh cool breaths or as key ingredients in thirst quenching mocktails, but are also known to keep your body cool and regulate homeostatic temperatures

  1. Watermelons

Along with the mighty mango, another fruit that usually captures the summer market is the watermelon. Generally consuming watermelons that are known to contain upto 92% water, helps prevent dehydration and keep your body cool.

  1. Cucumbers

Cucumbers, which are not only widely used in salads but also used for soothing the eyes during intense facial treatments are known to contain 95% water in them. Thus, cucumbers help reduce the excess heat within the body.

  1. Zucchini

Another important vegetable which visually looks like the identical twin of cucumber, Zucchini also provides soothing effects to the body and is known to contain about 90-95% water.


Body heat may cause several health issues and impact general functioning. Increased irritation, lack of focus, and sleepiness are likely to occur. You might get heat cramps, heatstroke, and hyperthermia.




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