As much as the amount of sleep we get every night matters, the quality of our sleep matters just as much. Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to tell if you’re getting the right kind of sleep?

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You Fall Asleep In 30 Minutes Or Less And Sleep Most Of The Time You’re In Bed

Some people can fall asleep easily while watching TV or reading while others have to put away distractions and “decide” it’s time to sleep. Both are ok, as long as you generally fall asleep within a half-hour of actually trying to go to sleep and stay asleep at least 85 percent of the total time you’re in bed for the night.

You Don’t Wake Up Frequently (Or For Long) At Night

Waking up no more than once per night (for 5 minutes or less) and being awake for 20 minutes or less after initially falling asleep, are both good signs. Waking up in the middle of the night is never ideal, but it happens. As you get older you may spend more time in lighter stages of sleep or need to make more trips to the bathroom. But whether it’s the call of nature or a loud noise that wakes you, you should be able to go back to sleep pretty quickly after the disruption.

You Don’t Remember Your Dreams That Well

There are four stages of sleep but they break down into two categories, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stages of sleep and non-REM stages of sleep. In the deeper stages of non-REM sleep, your body repairs muscles, boosts immune functions, stimulates development, and builds up energy for the next day. When you reach REM that’s where dreams happen and memories are established. This may not apply to everyone universally (dreams are weird), but if you have clear memories of your dreams it may mean you spent more time in REM and less time in the valuable non-REM stages. So, if you can’t recall your dreams that could be a good thing for your sleep quality.

You Sleep The Recommended Number Of Hours For Your Age

Our bodies require different durations of sleep as we progress through the phases of life. So it’s not uncommon to sleep a little less as you get older. But from age 18 to 65, at least 7 hours is recommended per night. If you’re not reaching that because of your sleep schedule or your mattress, those things can be changed to help you get closer to that sweet spot.

You Wake Up Feeling Rested, Restored, And Energized

Because everyone’s sleep experience is as unique as their DNA, this may be the biggest “tell” about your sleep quality. It’s fair to say that some people will never be “early birds” who jump right out of bed ready to face the day, but if your fatigue is unshakable or your mood is severely affected, it’s a good sign you’re not getting enough sleep or at least enough quality sleep.


Sleep improvement stems from a couple of things. First, knowing that sleep is an important part of your wellness routine and then getting motivated to make sleeping well a priority. From there it’s just a matter of finding the right routine to make sure your sleep quality checks all the boxes.

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