Tricks that will help u eat less and Healthier

day to day practical health

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1)Ignore the Size of Your Plate
University of Connecticut researchers presented a group of 162 participants with a consistent portion of food served on different-sized plates and found that the overweight or obese participants ate the same amount as the healthy-weight ones.
Focusing on the size of your plate isn’t teaching you the different amounts of what you should be eating,The size of your plate makes no difference if you don’t know what a proper portion size should look like. Instead, fill half your plate with vegetables, and divide the rest into quarters, with protein in one and starch in the other. And take your time eating so you can better sense when you’ve had enough.
2) Don’t Deny Yourself the Foods You Love
It’s never really a good idea to eat low quality foods, but if you struggle with sheer willpower (as most people do), allow yourself to indulge…a little. Studies have shown that when people serve themselves a small portion of vice foods, they were just as tasty and satisfying as loading their plates with them.
3)Eat Delicious-Smelling Foods
If you worry that just a whiff of something delicious will make you want to eat more of it, there’s good news: the more intense the aroma, the smaller the bite you’ll take, according to a study published in the journal Flavour.
For the study, researchers presented 10 participants with vanilla custard. After manipulating the aroma of the rich dessert, the scientists found people actually took smaller bites when the aroma was stronger.
4) Slow Down
Unless you’re participating in an eating contest or you’re running late for a flight, there’s no reason to woof down your food.Slowing down allows you to figure out if you’re fueling your body or just mindlessly chowing down due to stress or anxiety.
5 S’s of mindful eating: sit down, smell, savor, slowly chew and smile.
5)Yes, You Can Trick Yourself into Eating Less
Distraction leads a lot of people to overeat, so make yourself pay attention to what you’re putting in your mouth. “Switching hands jolts you out of autopilot. It’s similar to writing with your opposite hand. You can do it, but it takes more of your attention and concentration.You can also make yourself feel fuller by drinking plenty of water.
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