“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~ Charlie Chaplin

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What is life without laughter? We get so caught up in our self-inflicted reality, that we forget the simple joys of life. Laughter is the best medicine, as its the perfect way to de-stress and overcome some of the difficult times in life. Don’t we all love the company of funny, humorous people? Here’s the reason why, having a good laugh makes you feel light, its like a magic potion for the body, mind and the soul.

It has been proved that while laughing the human brain secretes the ‘feel good’ hormone endorphins and there by reducing the levels of cortisol – a stress hormone responsible for more than 70-80 percent of illnesses.

Why should you laugh everyday?

  • It strengthens your immune system
  • Eliminate aches and pains
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Good for the heart, and lowers blood pressure
  • Increases oxygen level in your body
  • It will reduce depression and anxiety in your life
  • Reduces symptoms of allergies, asthma, arthritis and helps in chronic illnesses like cancer
  • Develop positive outlook

Children laugh up to 300 to 400 times a day whereas adults laugh only 15 times a day. That’s because children laugh at the smallest of things, while we adults laugh only on a particular occasion due to our inability to truly live in the present moment.

Humans were designed to laugh. It lifts our spirits with a happy high that makes us feel good and improves our behavior towards others.

So go ahead have a laugh.

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